
+91 9414058989


Opening Hours

Mon - Sat 9:00 - 18:00

1/36 RHB Colony, Goverdhan Vilas

Udaipur, Rajasthan, India

Special Thermocouple

A. For Anode Baking Furnace particularly for Aluminium Industry:We provide a special thermocouple for anode baking furnace at working temperature of 1150-1200 deg. Celcius which provides a very good and handsome life in comparison to normal HRS 446 Thermocouples. These Thermocouples are provided with the Thermowells which is specially meant to resist temperature and atmospheric conditions prevailing in the furnace.

Type: K

Configuration: Simplex

B. For Molten Metals like Aluminium and Zinc:We are engaged in manufacturing of special thermocouples for molten metals i.e. aluminium and zinc where temperature can go upto 800 deg. Celsius. Our Thermocouples can provide you comparatively better life than other conventional thermocouples. Some applications demand dip type thermocouples in molten metals in which instantaneous temperature is taken merely by dipping the thermocouple tip in molten metal for a short period of time (let us say for 10-15 minutes) and some application demand continuous monitoring of temperature. So our engineering team has developed both the thermocouples and we can provide you a quality instrument for both the applications.

Type: K

Configuration: Simplex

C. For Blast Furnace (Stove Dome) in Steel Industry: We manufacture various thermocouples for steel industry. One of their typical applications is Stove Dome Furnace. We provide special Thermocouple for stove dome where temperature goes upto 1300 deg. Celsius. Noble metal thermocouple is manufactured with suitable well and to attain a good and handsome life span, a special coating is done. This Thermocouple is the best thermocouple which can serve in steel industry for stove dome application at high temperatures.

Type: S

Configuration: Simplex

D. For Kiln Inlet and Tertiary Air Duct particularly for Cement Industry: We manufacture thermocouples with protection well which is best suited for temperature measurement in cement industry specially in Kiln inlet and tertiary duct application. After rigorous experiments and research, we provided this solution to our valuable clients and after 6 months of trial at various stages, we come to know that this thermocouple is helpful in providing a good life in Kiln Inlet and tertiary duct where temperature goes upto 1200 deg Celsius along with excessive pressure conditions.

Type: K

Configuration: Simplex

E. For Cooler Grate in Cement Industry: We provide special Thermocouple for Cooler Grate in Cement Industry. The Thermocouple comes with both end open protection tube, spring loaded element and an extended compensating thermocouple cable. Suitable fittings are provided to mount the Thermocouple. Custom built Thermocouples are also manufactured. The Thermocouple is reliable, easy to use and shows accurate reading.

Type: K

Configuration: Simplex